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Our Infographic

Our Infographic

Here is an infographic devoted to carpet cleaning and why it is needed. You will also learn how to do it right to get the best result.

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Stain Removal

Stain Removal

Has a spill left an ugly stain on your valuable carpet or furniture? Our experts are ready to provide professional stain removal for carpets and furniture of all materials and types.

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Mold Removal

Mold Removal

Molds grow anywhere there is moisture, source of food and moderate temperatures. Actually, they are an important part of the ecosystem as they help decompose dead decaying matter

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Dirty Carpet Cleaning, Odor & Stain Removal

Match your carpet cleaning requirements with the useful information found on the FAQ page below.

What do I do with fresh carpet stains?

Fresh carpet stains can be easily removed but you have to make sure that you do it properly. A specialist in Carpet Cleaning Dublin  | suggests that when dealing with small stains, make sure you prevent them from spreading. Blot the stain using a paper towel or piece of cloth to absorb the wet and exposed portion of the stain. Do not rub the cloth or paper towel. Use a cleaning solution to remove the remaining stain but minimize the spreading of the stain as much as possible.

What are the cleaning agent alternatives I can use for carpet cleaning?

There are many alternative cleaning agents that can be found in most kitchens. Baking soda, for instance, can be used for dry carpet cleaning as it absorbs undesirable smells from carpets. Vinegar and lemon juice are considered as cheap but effective stain removers. Just make sure that you rinse them off after the stains have been removed from the carpet. Vinegar obviously leaves an undesirable smell while lemon juice can attract ants and leave a foul odor after it oxidizes.

What is the best way to remove pet hair from carpets?

With a rake or brush that has rubber buds, you will be able to pick a great amount of hair just by making gentle sweeping strokes in one direction. It is crucial that you move the rake or brush in the direction of the nap. Otherwise, you will be actually pushing the hairs deeper in between the fibers.

Is it safe to walk on my carpet after it has been cleaned?

Generally speaking, your carpet should be fine to walk on shortly after cleaning. Although it will still be damp, walking on it will cause no water damage or excessive dirt to occur. Take care however when stepping from a damp carpet on to tiles, that you don’t slip.

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